Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Anniversary Marcus ~ Sept 13, 2003


I stand before you today, honored and excited to become your wife. From the first day I laid eyes on your, you shined. God has allowed me to become your friend, for this I am truly indebted.

You have brought me closer to our heavenly Father, strengthened my faith in what He sees in me and have instilled a pattern of putting God first that both you and I will pass onto our children.

When I look at you, Marcus, I see all the beauty God sees! Your mind is a fountain of knowledge, wise and discerning; your eyes are compassionate and warm; your lips speak words of love and devotion to me; your hands hold mine and when I am falling behind your feet lead up back on the Lord’s path.

God’s love and grace has me here today so that I may promise to live with you and love you forever, to be a source of joy to your life; to laugh with but never at you, to share and delight in your joy and to share your struggles during the down times, and to be a person you can always depend on.

I will pray for you, with you and initiate times of prayer. I promise to thank you for who you are as well as what you do, and I will venture into your life to see it through your eyes, to hear it through your ears, and to touch it through your fingertips.

Marcus, thank you for loving me the way you do with God’s love. I am so proud to be a confidant, your crutch, your comedian, your best friend but more importantly, your wife.

I love you!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Liberty 7 months Today!

Our little girl is closer to one year today. Liberty is 7 months and growing cuter by the day if that is possible! She is trying to sit up by herself, still working on her first tooth, and tries to roll and arm crawl. Mama is going to have two babies to run after soon. We are enjoying every minute with this precious gift from God.
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