Monday, February 28, 2011

Ice, Ice ... Baby?

Well, here we are, in the final hours of February 2011, and our little Ivy still isn't here. For the first time, we're sailing in the uncharted waters of post-term pregnancy. Today, Monday, Feb. 28, is two days past Ivy's due date, and still no imminent signs.

Not that it's a bad thing. This week has had its share of weather scares. Earlier in the week, the news channels got all abuzz about the coming SNOWPOCALYPSE, calling for massive snowfall in the Portland area, which means mega-massive snowfall up here at the 1,000-foot level. We indeed got snow -- and were praying that Ivy wouldn't come, and she didn't. But the snow wasn't THAT bad, anyway.

Over the last week, I've tried ALL the "home remedies" to induce labor, the most popular being the consumption of spicy foods. In the last week I've taken Savannah to Five Guys Burgers & Fries three times, each netting her a large portion of Cajun-style spicy fries. No go.

Despite being worried about the weather earlier in the week (I was out Wednesday and half of Thursday), the biggest worries should have come today, as we got about a foot of snow out of nowhere. (Where were the Snowpocalypse Doomsday Prognosticators THEN?) It was weird, though. I had that peace that surpasses all understanding sweep over me, and I knew that Ivy wouldn't show up during this most inauspicious of times. (That said, I did go to Howcast and get a crash course in baby delivery were the need to arise, because we weren't going ANYWHERE.)

That peace really allowed me to enjoy the day. It started off with me and London getting doughnuts at Joe's, as I noticed the heavy rains turned into snain (snow-rain mix), and then into full-on snow. We played and played upstairs with the Little People farm toys, and then had a leisurely lunch while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. During the kids' nap, Savannah rested while I sat in my recliner working for and watching the flakes come down. After nap, I took London and Liberty outside to play in the snow. We built a snowman, threw snowballs and trudged down the street to the park to swing and slide in the snow.

The snow event came as our groceries essentially ran out. Fortunately, the snow had turned into a citywide slurpee by the time 7 p.m. rolled around, so I was able to slide my way around Sandy to pick up a snow day pizza for dinner. It was overall a good day, because I was able to enjoy it with full assurance that everything was going to be OK.

What happens next? We don't know! We're still trying to come to terms with the fact that we're having a March baby! Any guesses when Ivy will make her grand appearance? Will she come of her own accord, or will we eventually have to evict her?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


A baby update... we are at DEFCON 2.

According to Wikipedia, that means a "further increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness." DEFCON 1, of course means it's go time.

At her appointment today, Savannah learned she is 80 percent effaced and 2CM dilated. It's no longer a matter of days; it's a matter of hours. Let's see if Dad is right with his prediction that Ivy would be born on Friday, March 18.

I wonder if we'll make it to the baby shower! (We hope so; Grandma Nomi has put a LOT of work into it!)

And... we're back

So, it's been a good... uh... year since we last updated the Hathcock Family blog. Needless to say, life with two TODDLERS leaves little time for updating the blog. They like to push all the buttons on the keyboard, or they ask to watch "Dora" or "Diego" or "Dinosaur Train" or just "a moooovieee."

The reason we're getting back into the swing of things with the blog is that we're going to be adding our third (and final) addition to the family, Ms. Ivy Soleil Hathcock, any day now. I was just reading about the awesome story that surrounded Liberty's birth just two years ago. (I saw "awesome" not because it was all good -- it wasn't -- but because it truly is a memorable one.)

Over the past few weeks, all our energy has gone towards getting ready for Ivy, and for getting over illnesses. Poor Liberty, in the mix of it all, didn't have a birthday party (yet?) and had a fairly subdued birthday -- although I don't know if you'd call Chuck E. Cheese and a fondue dinner "subdued" for a two-year-old.

We had our first false alarm tonight, Feb. 16, as Savannah began to feel some strong contractions and her body cleaned itself out. We've all put in our bets as to when Ivy will come on the scene. Savannah thinks it will be Monday, Feb. 21 -- President's Day -- and I've predicted it will be tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 18. The funny thing about that is that Savannah's baby shower is scheduled for this Saturday, the 19th. We'll see what happens!

This is where we'll post everything once stuff starts happening (and even if it doesn't)!
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