Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shortcut to the Tummy

Had to share this great story from dinner tonight...

I (Marcus) was trying to get London to eat tonight, and he was munching on everything except for the main course, which was a baked chicken leg. I thought it would be helpful to tell him why we eat.

I said:
"So, London, when we eat, the food goes in our mouth, down our throat and into our tummy. And when it gets to our tummy, it makes us strong -- gives us muscles!"

London, as he normally does after long statements from Dad, said, "Wow!" Then he started eating his chicken.

Later on, during dinner, London started shoving balls of rice under his shirt, saying, "It go in my tummy! Muscles!" Kid was looking for a shortcut to eating. Thought if he could just get the food directly to the tummy it would accomplish its task better. We were rolling in laughter.

Lately Savannah's found these Advent season Bible readings, and we've read a few verses and lit a candle before bedtime. Tonight we were in the middle of reading the bible verse from the computer when London blurts out, "VeggieTales! I want silly cup!"

It was then we realized that on there was a sidebar ad for VeggieTales, and that London was totally concentrating on that, and a Silly Song with Larry he's watched a few times called "Sippy Cup."

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