Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's (almost) TIME!

We had a close call early this morning.

After a night of joining the coupon cult, Savannah peacefully went to bed -- only to wake up in the 2 o'clock hour with horrendous tummy pains.

She woke me (Marcus) up and I kept track of how far apart the contractions were. I was amazed (and excited) to find that they lasted two to three minutes long, and were about five minutes apart. (For those of you who don't know, you're supposed to call the hospital when they're just ONE minute long and five minutes apart.)

We hadn't even loaded the car yet, so I did that while Savannah talked to the doctor and just tried to relax. We were finally ready, and as Savannah was about to get in the car, she ... well, got sick. Poor baby.

But immediately, the contractions stopped, a sign that labor is near, but not quite here. We were advised by the hospital to take London to my parents' house and then see if labor symptoms came back. They didn't, so somewhere around 4 in the morning, we all tried to get to sleep (although London was up and at 'em).

Now, we just wait. This tummy's like a ticking time bomb of loveliness!

We'll keep you posted...


  1. Oh dear!!! How exciting!!!
    Yay, I'm so glad you guys have a blog now.
    Can't wait to meet the little miss.

  2. Keeping our eye on this one folks!


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