Thursday, January 15, 2009

Three weeks to go!

We had our 36/37-week appointment for Liberty today, and all's looking well. The doc (a midwife, really) says she weighs about 6 lbs, 12 ounces (and maybe as heavy as 7 lbs)! Now, keep in mind, London weighed 7 lbs, 10.8 ounces! Savannah's body is getting ready, too, although not as fast as it was first time around. But it's all good -- the doc says her body will catch up easily once labor starts -- which really could be ANY day! Holy cow!

London was a happy handful at the clinic today, and daddy had to take him into the lobby to play with an inflated rubber glove that made a nice makeshift balloon/soccer ball. It was hilarious to watch the little man run after the glove, fall on it, grab it, and lose it -- only to repeat the process indefinitely.

He also has been quite the flirt this week. He tends to single out ladies who work in the food service industry. The quickest way to a man's heart must be through his stomach indeed, because London makes eyebrows at these ladies and screams at them until they pay attention to him. Then he grins and coos and pours on the charm. Where did he learn this!?

Mom and Dad are going to have a night alone this weekend, which also gives Grandma Nomi a test drive for when they watch London during Liberty's birth. It should be a fun, learning experience for all.

That's it for now! Love ya!

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