Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Liberty story

OK, here's how it went down:

As you read earlier, we had a scare Friday before last: contractions that got our attention, but went away once Savannah got ill. So when I (Marcus) woke up Wednesday morning, Feb. 4, I wasn't sure what to think when my wife told me she was having some contractions.

The contractions were about 11 minutes apart for about an hour, and then they just stopped. So, disappointed, I went to work at about 8:20. But just as I was pulling up to East Hill, I got a call from Savannah, telling me that the contractions were back, and that they hurt A LOT worse. I told her to keep an eye on them, and to let me know if things looked like they were getting worse.

I got one task done at work before I got a call from Savannah, frantic and in pain. I knew it was time to go home fairly soon. So I went to our HR department, filled out my family leave request, and rushed back to my office to send off an e-mail to tie up loose ends. Before I could jet off, my office was filled with two-dozen or so prayer warriors -- staff from the church -- who anointed me, prayed for healing (I have a cold) and asked God's protection over Savannah and the baby. It was moving to have so many people covering us in prayer.

Then, like a bat out of hell, I made the trip from Gresham to Sandy in a personal-best 9 minutes.

When I got home, Savannah was in the downstairs bathroom, working through a contraction as London was playing in the living room, oblivious. I grabbed the three things I needed -- this laptop, our phone charger and some cough drops -- and tossed London in the car.

The tough part was getting Savannah out of the apartment. She was clearly in pain, and was working through some difficult contractions.

"Savannah," I said, "We have to leave, honey." She responded by telling me to knock it off (I chuckled... she slugged me... I chuckled again) and that she was in too much pain to move. I realized that if we didn't get out of there soon, we weren't going to get out of there at all. Things had progressed extremely quickly. I finally was able to escort her out the door and into the car.

The car ride from Sandy to Clackamas must have been excruciating for Savannah. Her contractions went from 5 minutes apart to 3 minutes apart, and I realized that Liberty was a LOT closer than I had thought. I drove up to 80 mph on Highways 26 and 212, trying to weave through some sluggish mid-morning traffic.

I noticed Savannah had entered the climactic Transition Phase when she was sort of in her own little world and didn't respond well to my voice or touch. She basically was like a turtle in her shell. When that happened -- somewhere in Happy Valley -- I realized we had to MOVE.

I blew a red light -- almost two -- and I zoomed down Sunnyside as Savannah said, "HURRY!" By the way she was holding her pelvis I could tell she wanted to PUSH!

We got to the hospital -- finally -- and I was at a loss for what to do. My initial instinct was to leave London in the car, while it was running, as I escorted my bride to the nurses... but Savannah told me to grab the boy. I turned off the car, plucked London out, and stayed with Savannah until a team of like a half-dozen people descended on her.

Then I met up with Savannah's mom, Sheila, to pass off London and grab our labor and postpartum stuff that was packed in the car. I knew I had to hurry because I was afraid Savannah would have the baby without me!

With serious adrenaline, I somehow grabbed a trunkload of stuff and hoofed it to the labor and delivery room... and seconds after I set everything down, the pushing started. PUSHING? She walked in at a 9.5 dilation! I could not believe how quickly everything went!

Just THIRTY MINUTES after getting checked in, Liberty Haven was born at 11:06 a.m. She was born face-up (which resulted in a couple nose scratches) and with no complications. Her skin color was rated a 10 (the best!) and breathing and everything has been flawless! She needs a little nudging to eat thus far, but is handling it like a champ!

[[Interesting facts: Grandpa Steve showed up about an hour after Liberty was born, because he heard Savannah was in labor and wanted to see how things were going... little did he know, Liberty was born! Also, our nurse, Sarah, told us that had her son been a girl, her name would have been Liberty. Her son's name? London!]]

Liberty is such a doll. She has a cute cry, curious soulful eyes, a fuzzy head, ruby lips and a relaxed disposition. We couldn't be happier! She got her first shot, her first bath, first spa treatment (hair-washing, which she loved!) and has been so graceful.

She truly represents her name: A gal who makes us feel such freedom and rest. Praise Jesus for a truly perfect day.

I asked Savannah, "So, if you had to choose a labor like London's or Liberty's, which would you choose?" Without question, she said, "Like Liberty."

Check out the photos in our last post, or visit my (Marcus's) page on Facebook.


  1. Wowee...incredible.
    What a champ. Way to go Sav. I'm just glad you made it to the hospital. could've made the news I suppose. But, I'm glad you made it to the hospital just the same! :)
    Good job to you too daddy!
    Can't wait to meet the little bundle.

  2. I am so happy for you. my adrenaline was racing in just reading the story. Sav you are a trooper. I will be looking forward to a new buddy to hold.

    PS, Marcus, thanks for getting my project done.


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